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Quick Fact Cornell graduate student stipends and tuition expenditures for organized research totaled $49 million in FY 2010.

Research Statistics

Ranking Cornell

in thousands
By Research Expenditures FY 2009
Ranking Cornell Nationally
1 Johns Hopkins University* $1,856,270
2 University of Michigan 1,007,198
3 University of Wisconsin, Madison 952,119
4 University of California, San Francisco 947,697
5 University of California, Los Angeles 889,995
6 University of California, San Diego 879,357
7 Duke University 805,021
8 University of Washington 778,046
9 Pennsylvania State University 753,358
10 University of Minnesota 740,980
11 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 736,102
12 University of Pennsylvania 726,768
13 Ohio State University 716,461
14 Stanford University 704,183
15 University of California, Davis 681,618
15 Cornell University 671,406
Ranking Cornell in New York
1 Cornell University $671,406
2 Columbia University 589,575
3 University of Rochester 395,358
4 SUNY, Albany 340,259
5 SUNY, Buffalo 338,283
6 Mount Sinai School of Medicine 318,407
7 New York University 308,834
8 SUNY, Stony Brook 258,098
9 Rockefeller University 252,478
10 Yeshiva University 193,010
* Johns Hopkins University includes the Applied Physics Laboratory, with $977,951 in total R&D expenditures.
Source: National Science Foundation
Note: Research expenditures of $14,738 for Cornell’s National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center (NAIC) are reported separately and are not included in the above NSF amounts. The above amounts also do not include Cornell research expenditures of $1,286 outside of science and engineering.
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