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Quick Fact Forty Nobel laureates have been affiliated with Cornell as faculty or students.

Research Statistics

Funding Cornell’s Research

in thousands
By Dollars Expended FY 2010
Total Federal Sources $461,169
Sponsored Research 453,773
Appropriated Research* 7,395
Total Nonfederal Sources 303,076
Sponsored Research 108,337
State & Local Governments 15,995
Corporations & Trade Associations 21,749
Foundations 54,767
Nonprofit Organizations 15,490
All Others 337
Appropriated Research 194,739
Cornell Support** 144,211
New York State 50,528
Federal Agencies
DHHS Department of Health & Human Services 223,411
NSF National Science Foundation 141,941
DOD Department of Defense 24,576
USDA Department of Agriculture 22,226
DOE Department of Energy 14,233
NASA National Aeronautics & Space Administration*** 13,175
AID Agency for International Development 2,521
All Others 11,690
* Includes sub-awards of federal funds from other universities, national labs, nongovernment organizations, etc.
** Consistent with NSF reporting guidelines, university support includes institutional cost sharing, GRA tuition fellowships, university seed research grants, unrecovered facilities and administrative costs, and organized research allocation of NYS-funded employee benefits.
*** NASA includes JPL funds under subcontract.
Source: Cornell University, Sponsored Financial Services
External Funding Sources
Graduate Enrollment Source: Cornell University, Sponsored Financial Services
Ranking Cornell in National Science Foundation Funding
Graduate Enrollment Source: National Science Foundation
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