Cornell University
222 Day Hall
Ithaca, New York
T: 607.255.7200
F: 607.255.9030
E: VP Research
- Editor
- Ernestina Snead
- Copyeditor
- Englund Literary Services
- Distribution Coordinator
- Kelly S. Strickland
- Design & Development
- Zanzinato
- Senior Vice Provost for Research
- Robert A. Buhrman
- Senior Associate Vice Provost for Research
- Andrew H. Bass
- Associate Vice President for Research Administration
- Catherine E. Long
- Photography
- Robert Barker/CU
- Frank DiMeo
- Lindsay France/CU
- Jason Koski/CU
- Patricia Kuharic
- Robyn Wishna/CU
- University Photography
- Advanced Materials
- Burpee
- John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
- Cerione Lab
- Davisson Lab
- Manning Fieldwork Archive
- Muller Lab
- Weill Cornell Medical College
- William Staffeld
- M. Wiedmann and M. Roma
- Wiesner Lab