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Quick Fact Cornell has more than 100 interdisciplinary research centers, institutes, laboratories, and programs that enable faculty and staff to share specialized research facilities, equipment, and other resources.

Research Statistics

Funding Cornell’s Research

in thousands
By Dollars Expended FY 2009 FY 2008
Total Federal Sources $383,246 $377,896
Sponsored Research 375,118 368,540
Appropriated Research 8,128 9,356
Total Nonfederal Sources 304,185 290,331
Sponsored Research 132,160 111,829
State & Local Governments 25,917 20,449
Corporations & Trade Associations 27,715 25,947
Foundations 36,066 25,996
Nonprofit Organizations* 41,913 37,919
All Others 548 1,518
Appropriated Research 172,025 178,502
Cornell Support** 117,888 123,476
New York State 54,137 55,026
Federal Agencies
DHHS Department of Health & Human Services 192,485 190,792
NSF National Science Foundation 115,067 116,000
DOD Department of Defense 19,759 16,428
USDA Department of Agriculture 17,204 16,227
NASA National Aeronautics & Space Administration*** 10,538 10,599
DOE Department of Energy 9,519 7,195
AID Agency for International Development 2,213 2,822
All Others 8,332 8,476
* Includes sub-awards of federal funds from other universities, national labs, nongovernment organizations, etc.
** Consistent with NSF reporting guidelines, university support includes institutional cost sharing, GRA tuition fellowships, university seed research grants, unrecovered facilities and administrative costs, and organized research allocation of NYS-funded employee benefits.
*** NASA includes JPL funds under subcontract.
Source: Cornell University, Sponsored Financial Services
Discrepancies may occur due to rounding.
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